Peritia Studies

Restorative Strength

Release the tension.

Modern training methods often push us to the point of exhaustion and depletion, with the notion that you haven’t truly “worked out” until you are completely gassed. However, this is not an effective measure of success. Training with a smarter approach will leave you with gas still in the tank and ready to apply your gains in real-life situations. With Peritia Studies’ restorative strength programming, you will become more aware and connected to your body, allowing you to achieve a mindful state of training.

Load your mobility.

Mobility and strength make great companions. Why not add load as you explore your ranges of motion? Overcome stiffness and build resilience using the power of kettlebells, macebells, Indian clubs, barbells, and other centuries-old training tools.

Practice the movement.

Strength is a skill. Embrace a deeper purpose of connection and movement awareness that’s not just about reaching reps and sets. Like athletes, we approach each session as a practice, becoming more precise, in tune with our bodies, and skilled in the process.

Make unbelievable gains.

Exploring movement through a series of restorative arts may cause disbelief in your newly acquired strength. Experience your squat get deeper, your deadlift heavier, your overhead press pain-free, and your swings more explosive. Whether training for sport, combat, or everyday functionality, restorative strength training will give you the edge you need.

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